How to Draw Flygon Pokemon - How to Draw Flygon from Pokemon with this how-to video and step by step drawing instructions. Pokemon drawing tutorial for beginenrs and everyone. Please see Flygon Pokemon drawing tutorial in the video below Flygon Pokemon Drawing Step by Step Step 1 As with any Pokemon, you'll start - -
How to Draw Flygon from Pokemon with this how-to video and step by step drawing instructions. Pokemon drawing tutorial for beginenrs and everyone. Please see Flygon Pokemon drawing tutorial in the video below Flygon Pokemon Drawing Step by Step Step 1 As with any Pokemon, you'll start this first step the same way. All you have to do is first make a circle for the head, and then another circle for the bottom of the body like so. Once that's done, add the body guides, then the wings and tail lining. Step 2 Start sketching the shape of the Flygon's head, then draw in the glass like an eye shape. When you're done, all you need to do is draw thin line shapes on the top of your head, then add shapes and liners to form the neck and lower body like that. Step 3 Now it's time to draw Flygon's semi-diamond wings. Once that's done, you can continue to draw the circle of his lower body, including his thighs. Step 4 Here you will finish drawing the eye and the details i...