How to draw cute cartoon bird - How to draw cute cartoon bird step by step for kids Today we draw cartoon birds - very little, easy to implement and fast, simple steps. I really hope you enjoy this birdie tweeting. When you follow this tutorial, you will learn the basic steps to build a bird's body. Please see the - -
How to draw cute cartoon bird step by step for kids
Today we draw cartoon birds - very little, easy to implement and fast, simple steps. I really hope you enjoy this birdie tweeting. When you follow this tutorial, you will learn the basic steps to build a bird's body.

Please see the full and detailed instructions in the video above.
You can also easily draw a cartoon bird according to the steps below:
step 1
Drawing three circles can be in the same size and position. Two large circles represent the head and belly - the body of the bird and the smallest circle is the tail.
Use a gentle pencil, do not push too hard. You are drawing the original pencil lines that you will delete later.
Step 2
Draw the two object directions on the circle as you can see on this image. Horizontal guides help you to set your eyes accurately. Crossing the vertical and horizontal lines will be the place for the mine. Join the abdomen and the caudal circle with two pencil curves. Outline the tail feathers. Your animated bird is now slowly starting to appear
Step 3
Draw the eye circle on the horizontal guide as you see on the picture. In fact, they look half-circle because their cheeks are overlapping. Sketches and cheeks. Draw the outline of the wing. Draw both legs and the branch on which this bird is sitting.
Step 4
Now, you can begin to gradually delete the unnecessary instructions. Observe the good image and do it. This is an easy task. When erasing pencil instructions in a cramped place use a pencil-eraser. Outline the feathers on the tail and wings as you see on the picture.
Step 5
Now you can add some feathers on the top of your head. These will create a cute touch for your animated bird. Actually here you can take a test. First, draw the birds without the feathers and then add feathers. Which version will be better?
Step 6
Pollinate the bird's body as you see on the picture. The large circle around the eyes, cheeks and abdomen should be white or lighter than the rest of the body. Dark tail and tail feathers. Finish the cartoon bird by coloring it - -
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