How to draw a light bulb easy for beginners - How to draw a light bulb easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing step by step for kids and everyone. Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below Video produced by channel: Sherry Drawings You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing - -
How to draw a light bulb easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing step by step for kids and everyone.

Video produced by channel: Sherry Drawings

Guys, to make this drawing, you must first draw the shape of the top of the bulb. You can draw it very easily. Guys, if I want to, in this article only provide a video tutorial on how to draw light bulbs but you do not understand much about it so I have composed this for all of you, in which you will find the part names of This bulb and its You will have knowledge of how to draw. I hope that you have understood by this point, then be sure to read all of the steps below.

Guys, if you look closely at the picture of this drawing and see the title for this step, you will understand that I told you that you must draw the screw in the light bulb. Many people do not know that this part in the bulb is called screw thread so in this article. I told you what its part name was and how to draw it.

Guys, now you have to draw this bulb's Electric Foot Contact. Guys, what is drawn on the bottom means that the screw thread is drawn under a contact called a pin contact. Drawing it is a very small job.

So, guys, it's a glazing part, we can call it part of the light bulb (Picture). You can also draw it very easily, as long as you don't make any mistakes in drawing it, otherwise, the bulb has been drawn in the direction of erasing it can be faulty as if it could also be erased. . Before making this drawing, you must read and understand this article once and only understand then try to make this Bulb drawing.

So guys, this bulb drawing was done. Now that our final task is to pull the support cord and the tungsten filament in it, it will take a long time to make it. You have to watch the process of drawing it once in the tutorial video below so you won't get confused while creating this Bulb drawing.
Along with these lines, associates, here is a video tutorial for this drawing exercise (How to draw a simple light bulb). If you do not understand anything behind this article. You can then comment by comment or you can message me on our partner page with us on my blog. As a personal necessity, here is a video tutorial on this young girl's face painting exercise. that I have been shining on you for quite a long time. I see that you've seen each point right now. I trust you on this post's experience and draw it, girl, really. In a similar manner, try to enable our blog notifications so that any most recent drawing posts look for you first. - -

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
Video produced by channel: Sherry Drawings
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1: Draw the Shape of the Bulb

Guys, to make this drawing, you must first draw the shape of the top of the bulb. You can draw it very easily. Guys, if I want to, in this article only provide a video tutorial on how to draw light bulbs but you do not understand much about it so I have composed this for all of you, in which you will find the part names of This bulb and its You will have knowledge of how to draw. I hope that you have understood by this point, then be sure to read all of the steps below.
Step 2: Draw the shape of the screw thread

Guys, if you look closely at the picture of this drawing and see the title for this step, you will understand that I told you that you must draw the screw in the light bulb. Many people do not know that this part in the bulb is called screw thread so in this article. I told you what its part name was and how to draw it.
Step 3: Draw the electric foot contact of the bulb

Guys, now you have to draw this bulb's Electric Foot Contact. Guys, what is drawn on the bottom means that the screw thread is drawn under a contact called a pin contact. Drawing it is a very small job.
Step 4: Now Draw Glass Mount

So, guys, it's a glazing part, we can call it part of the light bulb (Picture). You can also draw it very easily, as long as you don't make any mistakes in drawing it, otherwise, the bulb has been drawn in the direction of erasing it can be faulty as if it could also be erased. . Before making this drawing, you must read and understand this article once and only understand then try to make this Bulb drawing.
Step 5: The bulb drawing was done

So guys, this bulb drawing was done. Now that our final task is to pull the support cord and the tungsten filament in it, it will take a long time to make it. You have to watch the process of drawing it once in the tutorial video below so you won't get confused while creating this Bulb drawing.
Along with these lines, associates, here is a video tutorial for this drawing exercise (How to draw a simple light bulb). If you do not understand anything behind this article. You can then comment by comment or you can message me on our partner page with us on my blog. As a personal necessity, here is a video tutorial on this young girl's face painting exercise. that I have been shining on you for quite a long time. I see that you've seen each point right now. I trust you on this post's experience and draw it, girl, really. In a similar manner, try to enable our blog notifications so that any most recent drawing posts look for you first. - -
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