How to draw a Fighter Plane Step by Step - How to draw a Fighter Plane easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and kids. Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below Video produced by channel: HTDraw You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide - -
How to draw a Fighter Plane easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and kids.

Video produced by channel: HTDraw
Start by drawing two diagonal, roughly parallel curves. This starts the fuselage, or fuselage, of the jet.
Join the lines drawn in the previous step by extending two long curved lines and allowing them to meet at a point. This forms the nose of the jet.
Next, draw the upper part of the tail, also known as the vertical stabilizer. Extend two lines on a vertical incline from the back of the jet. Connect them at the beginning and the end using straight lines.
Use a series of straight lines to enclose the back of the fuselage. Then enclose a circle using a curved line. Trace the shape with short lines. This forms the nozzle, or rear section, of the jet engine.
Next, draw the front part of the wings, erasing the guide lines if necessary. Extend two straight segments from each side of the jet and connect them with a short line. Note that the small wings have an almost triangular shape.
Draw wings. Use three straight lines to enclose the wings on each side of the jet. Each wing must resemble a triangle with one of its corners removed.
Draw small wings at the tips of the wings. Extend a line from the wing and a line parallel to it. Join the lines at each end.
Contour the jet fuselage by drawing long, curved lines in the center.
Draw the windows of the cockpit. Wrap some irregular shapes.
Color your jet. Many fighters like this one come in silver or gray, but they also come in a multitude of shades. Stealth jets like the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird can be solid black; Blue Angels, US Navy demonstration squadron, blue and yellow jet pilots; and historically, many pilots have painted different pictures on the sides of their planes. - -

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
Video produced by channel: HTDraw
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Start by drawing two diagonal, roughly parallel curves. This starts the fuselage, or fuselage, of the jet.
Step 2
Join the lines drawn in the previous step by extending two long curved lines and allowing them to meet at a point. This forms the nose of the jet.
Step 3
Next, draw the upper part of the tail, also known as the vertical stabilizer. Extend two lines on a vertical incline from the back of the jet. Connect them at the beginning and the end using straight lines.
Step 4
Use a series of straight lines to enclose the back of the fuselage. Then enclose a circle using a curved line. Trace the shape with short lines. This forms the nozzle, or rear section, of the jet engine.
Step 5
Next, draw the front part of the wings, erasing the guide lines if necessary. Extend two straight segments from each side of the jet and connect them with a short line. Note that the small wings have an almost triangular shape.
Step 6
Draw wings. Use three straight lines to enclose the wings on each side of the jet. Each wing must resemble a triangle with one of its corners removed.
Step 7
Draw small wings at the tips of the wings. Extend a line from the wing and a line parallel to it. Join the lines at each end.
Step 8
Contour the jet fuselage by drawing long, curved lines in the center.
Step 9
Draw the windows of the cockpit. Wrap some irregular shapes.
Step 10
Color your jet. Many fighters like this one come in silver or gray, but they also come in a multitude of shades. Stealth jets like the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird can be solid black; Blue Angels, US Navy demonstration squadron, blue and yellow jet pilots; and historically, many pilots have painted different pictures on the sides of their planes. - -
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