How to Draw a Realistic Baby Step by Step - How to Draw a Realistic Baby with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Pencil drawing tutorials for beginners and everyone. Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below Video produced by channel: Harish Pencil Art You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing - -
How to Draw a Realistic Baby with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Pencil drawing tutorials for beginners and everyone.

Video produced by channel: Harish Pencil Art
Step 1
Lightly draw a concave shape. Notice how the shape leans to the right.
Step 2
Divide the curved shape in half by a straight line.
Step 3
Sketch in a partial crescent for her roof and head block placement.
Step 4
Draw Lines a. eyebrows, b. eyes, c. the bottom of her nose, and d. Her mouth.
Step 5
Now you can draw (please be gentle) positions for her eyebrows and eyes.
Step 6
These lines and curves will help you determine the position of her blanket, cheeks, and shoulders. Don't forget her irises, pupils, eyelids, and ears.
Step 7
This is great. This realistic baby is having personality. Her long eyelashes. Try drawing curved shapes that represent her arms, forearms, and the top of her chest. Remember to take her cute chubby hand and the fingers on which she is leaning her face.
Step 8
It's time to challenge your hair. Draw lines as they appear. Since a newborn's hair is so fine, you won't need a lot of hair.
Step 9
As you can see there are no newlines. At this point, you can delete the guidelines. If you just want to draw this picture, you can stop at the next step. But if you want to learn how to shade, highlight, create reflections, and more cool tips, continue through the entire tutorial.
Step 10
Your image may appear like this. Enjoy the moment and know that you've made something of your own... and it's beautiful. Isn't she sweet! Plump cheeks, big beautiful eyes and beautiful flowing hair. The next steps will show a lot of tips and interesting things. Hey, babies are happy to be grandma anyway! * blink *
Step 11
This outline looks different because these are the guidelines I used to help with her feature and accuracy. If you are a seasoned artist and don't need other tutorials, you can use this. TIP: I took a T square and a triangle to create those lines on the artboard. I had to angle the paper on the board to get vertical and horizontal lines. KNEAD
Step 12
These are the pencils and blending tools that I used. You can refer to this image when I talk about "Tools to Use" in Next Step & Step 16.
Step 13
These are the tools I used. You can refer back to Step 12 to see what they look like.
Step 14
Mercifully, those eyes get me all the time! *giggle* Okay, sketch in a line or small circle with a 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil. You can use a 0.5mm 2H mech pencil for the lines on the blanket over your head. Darken those captivating irises and pupils with the 9B pencil.
Step 15
Mix the blanket with a mixing stump. Notice how the lines disappear. Now you can mix with tissue on her face. Detail with a stump on her cheeks and shadow areas.
Step 16
See more tools to use for more details to give a realistic look. Notice the direction arrows on the blanket? That's the important thing. When you're painting, blending, or highlighting, you need to look closely at your reference image to see which direction those fabrics flow. I'm not good at multitasking, so it was the first challenge for me.
Step 17
Overhand is great for writing and detailing. Sunshade covers a lot of areas. Shadowing from dark to light is a great exercise in control.
Step 18
Blank shapes you can print out then practice shading, blending to help control.
Step 19
The head of a one-year-old baby is very small compared to an adult's.
Step 20
Newborns are wonderful. At home, we like to - 1. dress them in soft knitted clothes while they suck their thumbs (stubby fingers and chubby noses), 2. watch them grow and stick out their tongues (big eyes). and starting from 1/2 head down), 3. Watch them play with their feet while gurgling and purring (the head is 1/3 the size of their body).
Step 21
Click here for some great tips on tones, shadows, textures, and reflections.
Step 22
For tips on baby highlights, click this image.
Step 23
Add more line details in the quilt and continue to darken other areas with the 9B pencil as mentioned in Tools to Use-Details in Step 16.
Step 24
I wanted her eyes UP to be like in the reference photo so I highlighted them with Titanic white acrylic. And my blankets are also white. TIP: Her random hairs, I brushed down with a 9B pencil and the light went through the dark area with white... then softened that area down a bit by blending the white area with a torch - CAT. Please do not hesitate. I want to hear what you have to say. Don't forget to comment, like and vote for me too! Luv you very much! *blowkiss* *hugs tight* - -

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
Video produced by channel: Harish Pencil Art
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Lightly draw a concave shape. Notice how the shape leans to the right.
Step 2
Divide the curved shape in half by a straight line.
Step 3
Sketch in a partial crescent for her roof and head block placement.
Step 4
Draw Lines a. eyebrows, b. eyes, c. the bottom of her nose, and d. Her mouth.
Step 5
Now you can draw (please be gentle) positions for her eyebrows and eyes.
Step 6
These lines and curves will help you determine the position of her blanket, cheeks, and shoulders. Don't forget her irises, pupils, eyelids, and ears.
Step 7
This is great. This realistic baby is having personality. Her long eyelashes. Try drawing curved shapes that represent her arms, forearms, and the top of her chest. Remember to take her cute chubby hand and the fingers on which she is leaning her face.
Step 8
It's time to challenge your hair. Draw lines as they appear. Since a newborn's hair is so fine, you won't need a lot of hair.
Step 9
As you can see there are no newlines. At this point, you can delete the guidelines. If you just want to draw this picture, you can stop at the next step. But if you want to learn how to shade, highlight, create reflections, and more cool tips, continue through the entire tutorial.
Step 10
Your image may appear like this. Enjoy the moment and know that you've made something of your own... and it's beautiful. Isn't she sweet! Plump cheeks, big beautiful eyes and beautiful flowing hair. The next steps will show a lot of tips and interesting things. Hey, babies are happy to be grandma anyway! * blink *
Step 11
This outline looks different because these are the guidelines I used to help with her feature and accuracy. If you are a seasoned artist and don't need other tutorials, you can use this. TIP: I took a T square and a triangle to create those lines on the artboard. I had to angle the paper on the board to get vertical and horizontal lines. KNEAD
Step 12
These are the pencils and blending tools that I used. You can refer to this image when I talk about "Tools to Use" in Next Step & Step 16.
Step 13
These are the tools I used. You can refer back to Step 12 to see what they look like.
Step 14
Mercifully, those eyes get me all the time! *giggle* Okay, sketch in a line or small circle with a 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil. You can use a 0.5mm 2H mech pencil for the lines on the blanket over your head. Darken those captivating irises and pupils with the 9B pencil.
Step 15
Mix the blanket with a mixing stump. Notice how the lines disappear. Now you can mix with tissue on her face. Detail with a stump on her cheeks and shadow areas.
Step 16
See more tools to use for more details to give a realistic look. Notice the direction arrows on the blanket? That's the important thing. When you're painting, blending, or highlighting, you need to look closely at your reference image to see which direction those fabrics flow. I'm not good at multitasking, so it was the first challenge for me.
Step 17
Overhand is great for writing and detailing. Sunshade covers a lot of areas. Shadowing from dark to light is a great exercise in control.
Step 18
Blank shapes you can print out then practice shading, blending to help control.
Step 19
The head of a one-year-old baby is very small compared to an adult's.
Step 20
Newborns are wonderful. At home, we like to - 1. dress them in soft knitted clothes while they suck their thumbs (stubby fingers and chubby noses), 2. watch them grow and stick out their tongues (big eyes). and starting from 1/2 head down), 3. Watch them play with their feet while gurgling and purring (the head is 1/3 the size of their body).
Step 21
Click here for some great tips on tones, shadows, textures, and reflections.
Step 22
For tips on baby highlights, click this image.
Step 23
Add more line details in the quilt and continue to darken other areas with the 9B pencil as mentioned in Tools to Use-Details in Step 16.
Step 24
I wanted her eyes UP to be like in the reference photo so I highlighted them with Titanic white acrylic. And my blankets are also white. TIP: Her random hairs, I brushed down with a 9B pencil and the light went through the dark area with white... then softened that area down a bit by blending the white area with a torch - CAT. Please do not hesitate. I want to hear what you have to say. Don't forget to comment, like and vote for me too! Luv you very much! *blowkiss* *hugs tight* - -
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